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Hali Kupa IM tournament 2024.02.12-17 Szombathely

Darrera actualització17.02.2024 12:39:21, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 7

Llista del rànquing inicial

5IMBorhy, Marcell770787HUN2373
10FMMargl, Roland773719HUN2321
6IMCsonka, Attila Istvan716529HUN2300
1FMBalint, Peter1660713AUT2294
9IMKiss, Attila700630HUN2293
8FMLeszko, Bence769070HUN2267
2FMKristoferitsch, Daniel1642650AUT2246
3FMMolnar, Erno14923408SVK2245
4FMMarakovits, Nico1653253AUT2227
7WGMLakos, Nikoletta705128HUN2210