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WWRR B-Group Վերջին արդիացում15.02.2024 18:30:57, Creator/Last Upload: De Pluspion Wachtebeke
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
7 | | Dreelinck, Jacob | 250511 | BEL | 2219 |
9 | | Dreelinck, Adriaan | 250503 | BEL | 2205 |
4 | CM | Schrik, Rachid | 1009818 | NED | 2179 |
1 | AFM | Ruzhansky, Elias | 472824 | BEL | 2170 |
6 | | Raptis, Filippos | 264903 | BEL | 2160 |
5 | | Vandenhole, Kobe | 268844 | BEL | 2143 |
3 | | Nemegeer, Arne | 250589 | BEL | 2114 |
2 | FM | Verduyn, Frederic | 203670 | BEL | 2099 |
8 | | Kurt, Sascha | 1082647 | NED | 2092 |
10 | FM | Toulzac, Pierre-Yves | 604720 | FRA | 2062 |