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Most games in R1-4 in Skerries on dates shown except: R2 Henry-Jack Elm Mount Mon 12 Feb. R4 John-Paul and Henry-Mark 19 Apr in SCC. All games in R5 in DCU Sat 20 Apr 2:30.

Fingal Open Championships 2024 Section B

Senast uppdaterad24.04.2024 12:12:39, Creator/Last Upload:

Lista över spelare

1Williams, Henry2520060IRL1499DCU
2Herring, Jack2528908IRL1246Elm Mount
5Ryan, Paul2505231IRL1211Skerries
3Luka, Jude2518074IRL1199DCU
6Doyle, John A.2504685IRL1182Balbriggan
4Allidine, Mark2514397IRL1078Skerries