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All games in Skerries except Emmet's games as black in R2 on Sat 3 Feb and R4 on Sat 16 Mar, at 2:30 in DCU. The DCU Open is on 8-10 Mar.

Fingal Open Championships 2024 Section A

Senast uppdaterad24.04.2024 11:32:36, Creator/Last Upload:

Lista över spelare

1Dunne, Joseph2506289IRL1721Skerries
3O’Rourke, Emmet2521997IRL1668DCU
2Loughran, John2501562IRL1622Skerries
4Silveiro, Miguel22788190BRA1580BRA
6McDonnell Ryan, Lorcán2522233IRL1554Skerries
5Byrne, Patrick L.2508796IRL1535Naomh Barróg