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Sunday Rated Blitz Tournament - January

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.01.2024 20:41:54, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess

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1Thomas, Dien23000031LCA1771
2Gabriel, Sixtus23000180LCA1765
3Lindo, Terence7400942JAM1668
4Daniel, Cyrus23000228LCA1614
5Nicholas, Arvin7701187LCA1572
6Bovell, Bernard23000376LCA1545
7Harding, Olivia23000295LCA1381
8James, Justin23000422LCA1358
9Elizee, Kaieem23000392LCA1349
10Charles, Ethan23000660LCA0
11George, Andretti23000503LCA0
12James, Vernesa23000457LCA0
13Jankie, Shernan23000678LCA0
14Joseph, Jamari23000490LCA0
15Rene, Kennedy23000686LCA0
16Smith, Navi23000694LCA0