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2024 South Wales Winter Congress Open

Last update 23.01.2024 04:20:06, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank list

1GMChristiansen, Johan-Sebastian1512668NOR2629
2FMToczek, Grzegorz1106457WLS2291
3Jones, Steven A419630ENG2234
4CMBullen, Alex1801627WLS2139
5FMKett, Tim1801210WLS2096
6Brown, Thomas1801430WLS2095
7Binks, Michael1800957WLS2035
8Fathallah, Joe1801899WLS2010
9Wells, Thomas154023363WLS1980
10Cave, Iwan495948WLS1973
11Rathbone-Jones, Ifan1803859WLS1934
12Jukes, Sam1803182WLS1890
13May, Adam J1800710WLS1882
14Turner, Joseph David1801520WLS1868
15Downey, Keith10700250WLS1733
16Jones, Steve1802216WLS1678
17Dixon, Chris1801880WLS1665
18Thomas, Roy1803190WLS1658
19Beeston, Darson1806025WLS1639
20Quinn, Peter1805460WLS1638
21Di-Vetta, Andrew1803964WLS1631
22Westcott, Dale1806017WLS1623
23Morgans, Justin1804898WLS1618
24Larg, Richard1802992WLS1583
25Probert, Malcolm1802305WLS1542
26Tuson, Jon1807552WLS1532
27Richards, Gareth1807374WLS1111