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Liberia National Championship (2023)

Last update 26.01.2024 23:20:52, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National

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Starting rank list

1CMAnthony Waylea, Jr.22600302LBR1939
2Bobby, Ballah22600531LBR1913
3FMBarcon, Harmon22600078LBR1902
4Thomas, Saah22600094LBR1889
5Joel, O. Ebiekuta22600671LBR1875
6Arnold, Smith22600558LBR1844
7James, Tondo22600132LBR1837
8CMDaniel, Kolliemelen22600086LBR1809
9David, Leroy Debblay22600876LBR1791
10Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo22600647LBR1789
11Foday, W. Kondoh22600167LBR1785
12FMJacob, Jallah22600124LBR1781
13CMJohn, Jallah22600140LBR1761
14Obediah, Saah22600914LBR1756
15Harold, Evans22600744LBR1735
16Martin, Dunbar22600892LBR1709
17Miller, Moore22600736LBR1677
18Rudolph, Edwards22600906LBR1630
19Prince, Jegbadai22600523LBR1627
20Alfred, J. Kollie22600515LBR1612