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56. Clubmeisterschaft des SCDonaustadt 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 20.10.2024 23:45:05, Creator/Last Upload: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt)

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The minimum required number of games: 60%

Board 1
Por.TMenoEloN DružstvoBody% TB1  TB2 RpPartie
1MKKuthan, Andreas Mag.2153Familie SCD6100,00627136
2NMSchwab, Rene Mag.(Fh)1992Familie Schwab5,591,70521746
3Gerö, Leonhard1761Familie Gerö5,578,60519127
4Wickramasinghe, Nathaniel1669Familie Wickramasinghe5,578,60517267
5IMKummer, Helmut2089Familie SCD5,578,60419727
6AFMPolzer, Adrian1634Familie Polzer571,40518317
7Konecny, Sophie1761Familie Konecny571,40419267
8Wu, Yu1918Familie Wu571,40415817
9Stadlinger, Lukas1489Familie Stadlinger4,575,00415966
10FMHechl, Gerald Mag.2119Familie Hechl4,564,30419667
11Mayrhuber, Tobias1998Familie SCD4,564,30418737
12Hofbauer, Peter1820Familie SCD4,564,30417417
13Hechl, Fabian1963Familie Hechl466,70418126
14Brüll, Georg Mag.1765Familie SCD466,70316916
15Schweiger, Paul903Familie Keller457,10414297
16Keller, Niklas1287Familie Schweiger457,10316777
17Seidl, Reinhard1786Familie SCD457,10316217
18Komarek, Ludwig1715Familie SCD3,558,30416286
19Schwab, Lukas2066Familie Schwab3,558,30318186
20Svrcek, Jozef1938Familie Svrcek3,558,30315426