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56. Clubmeisterschaft des SCDonaustadt 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 29.11.2024 20:05:23, Creator/Last Upload: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt)

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Žrebovanie / výsledky

4. kolo dňa 2024/04/26 o 18:15

š.č.TWhiteSkupinaTypEloBody VýsledokBody TBlackSkupinaTypEloč.
11MKKuthan, Andreas Mag.MS5021533 1 - 03 Schwab, LukasMU2520664
26NMSchwab, Rene Mag.(Fh)IS6019923 1 - 03 FMHechl, Gerald Mag.M21192
311Seidl, ReinhardIS501786 0 - 13 Hechl, FabianIU2019637
43IMKummer, HelmutMS502089 1 - 02 Veitsch, NorbertIIS70146822
526Wickramasinghe, AidanIIIU2012622 0 - 1 Mayrhuber, TobiasI19985
68Svrcek, JozefI19382 1 - 02 Ebner, Manfred Mag.IIS60145923
710Hofbauer, PeterIS5018202 ½ - ½2 Keller, NiklasIIIU12128725
814Konecny, SophieIU251761 1 - 02 Huang, AlexanderIIIU10116128
916Wickramasinghe, NathanielIIU2016692 1 - 02 Blieberger, TobiasIVU10105534
1017AFMPolzer, AdrianIIU1816342 1 - 02 Scheiber, Daniel BerndtIVU12104535
1121Stadlinger, LukasIIU181489 1 - 02 Ezatollahi, Gholam SakhiIVS50051
1215Komarek, LudwigIS701715 0 - 1 Wu, Yu19189
1312Brüll, Georg Mag.IS501765 1 - 01 Stadlinger, ManfredIIIS50113730
1419Stadlinger, LeaIIU201546 0 - 12 Gerö, LeonhardIU16176113
1518Lanzenberger, JanII15791 - - + Wu, LucasIIIU10114629
1637Gockner, HansIVS7010171 1 - 01 Keintzel, Raimund Mag.IIS60150120
1724Strohmer, ChristianIII13741 0 - 11 Gerö, MaximilianIVU14100839
1840Jevremovic, FilipIVU109651 1 - 01 Kostevski, KirilS60109831
1944Jevremovic, LazarIVU088001 - - +1 Polzer, PeterIV109132
2050Abdulrahman, RobinIV01 0 - 11 Keller, MarkusIV107133
2136Huang, AlvinIVU1010341 0 - 11 Schweiger, PaulIVU1290341
2242Konecny, Wolfgang Mag.IVS608390 ½ - ½½ Schön, AndreasIIIU16120527
2338Hadrigan, VictoriaIVU141015½ 1 - 00 Schweiger, SimonIVU1080046
2443Brandt, Sebastian BenjaminIVU108000 1 - 00 Zhou, BowenIVU1080049
2545Lu, LesterIVU128000 1 voľno 
2647Svrcek, AndreasIVU108000 0 nežrebovaný 
2748Wais, AmonIVU108000 0 nežrebovaný 
2852Zinkel, NoahIV00 0 nežrebovaný