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Place: Chess Club St. Ignatius School tal-Handaq Qormi
Registration starts at 9am

4th Chess Arena U14 Jan2024

Senast uppdaterad21.01.2024 12:13:23, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1Portelli, Matthew5604931MLT1466
2Thornton, Hayley5602637MLT1172
3Silvio, Zack5604648MLT1140
4Briffa, Zachary5604737MLT1113
5Gusarov, Mark Mikhail5604311MLT1112
6Borg, Luigi5603099MLT1101
7Aber, Gianluca5605377MLT0
8Bonello, Nathan George5604699MLT0
9Cilia Seychell, Keira Emma5605130MLT0
10Debono, Michael Anthony5605385MLT0
11Mangion, LiamMLT0
12Mangion, Nicolai5605326MLT0
13Rivaux, Ryan5605318MLT0
14Sammut, Kyle5605520MLT0