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IRT BLITZ MARZO 2013 Clasificatorio a Internacional Cerrado

Last update 16.03.2013 02:50:21, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1FMRuiz AlciguelBOG2169
2Ceron Juan CarlosBOL2089
3Cotes Ontibon Juan SebastianBOG2017
4Ramirez Jaime OrlandoBOG2009
5Mora Luis JoseCUN1952
6Romo DavidBOG1936
7Cotes Ontibon Anibal SantiagoBOG1912
8Velasquez Angie GabrielaCUN1859
9Iafrancesco EstebanBOG1811
10Moreno JavierBOG1754
11Fraile Vela Maria IsabelBOG1749
12Blanco Juan SebastianBOY0
13Rodriguez Cortes GiovanniBOG0
14Bedoya Martinez Juan JoseBOG0