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2024 WA Allegro Championship

Posledná aktualizácia 10.03.2024 10:21:11, Creator/Last Upload: Andrew Hardegen - AUS

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1IMGong, Patrick3222500WA2484
2FMFu, Yihe (Rebo)8619638WA2351
3Mandic, Bozidar3245705WA2205
4Vlietstra, Marc3203433WA2089
5Hare, Tim4300629WA2007
6WFMHardegen, Kathryn3226778WA1914
7Gulley, Trent3241670WA1826
8Tran, Thien Huy12445444WA1652
9While, Lyndon3258548WA1554
10Andador, Dominador3239080WA1541
11Tomic, Nedeljko3218619WA1478
12Gough, Dylan3243176WA1457
13Harris, Eamon3258505WA1426
14Huang, Hui3247597WA1415
15Wolstencroft, Alan3228304WA1294
16Huang, Yuqi (Ricky)3268250WA1285
17Chong, Seth3261450WA1220
18Oswald, Franz3206807WA1203
19Gong, Leo3258726WA1083
20Sethuraman, Jaswanth Ram3245250WA1056
21Uhlmann, JackWA1000
22Christianopoulos, MitchellWA995
23Ashok, Akash3261417WA856
24Gough, Sebastian3252078WA803
25Batten, ThomasWA583
26Srikanth, SiddarthWA558
27Gebauer, HenryWA540
28Gerrard, MichaelAUS0
29Oyarce, Giacomo3266052WA0
30Prasanga, TharinduAUS0
31Singh, AandeepWA0