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2024 WA Allegro Championship Վերջին արդիացում10.03.2024 10:21:11, Creator/Last Upload: Andrew Hardegen - AUS
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | IM | Gong, Patrick | 3222500 | WA | 2484 |
2 | FM | Fu, Yihe (Rebo) | 8619638 | WA | 2351 |
3 | | Mandic, Bozidar | 3245705 | WA | 2205 |
4 | | Vlietstra, Marc | 3203433 | WA | 2089 |
5 | | Hare, Tim | 4300629 | WA | 2007 |
6 | WFM | Hardegen, Kathryn | 3226778 | WA | 1914 |
7 | | Gulley, Trent | 3241670 | WA | 1826 |
8 | | Tran, Thien Huy | 12445444 | WA | 1652 |
9 | | While, Lyndon | 3258548 | WA | 1554 |
10 | | Andador, Dominador | 3239080 | WA | 1541 |
11 | | Tomic, Nedeljko | 3218619 | WA | 1478 |
12 | | Gough, Dylan | 3243176 | WA | 1457 |
13 | | Harris, Eamon | 3258505 | WA | 1426 |
14 | | Huang, Hui | 3247597 | WA | 1415 |
15 | | Wolstencroft, Alan | 3228304 | WA | 1294 |
16 | | Huang, Yuqi (Ricky) | 3268250 | WA | 1285 |
17 | | Chong, Seth | 3261450 | WA | 1220 |
18 | | Oswald, Franz | 3206807 | WA | 1203 |
19 | | Gong, Leo | 3258726 | WA | 1083 |
20 | | Sethuraman, Jaswanth Ram | 3245250 | WA | 1056 |
21 | | Uhlmann, Jack | | WA | 1000 |
22 | | Christianopoulos, Mitchell | | WA | 995 |
23 | | Ashok, Akash | 3261417 | WA | 856 |
24 | | Gough, Sebastian | 3252078 | WA | 803 |
25 | | Batten, Thomas | | WA | 583 |
26 | | Srikanth, Siddarth | | WA | 558 |
27 | | Gebauer, Henry | | WA | 540 |
28 | | Gerrard, Michael | | AUS | 0 |
29 | | Oyarce, Giacomo | 3266052 | WA | 0 |
30 | | Prasanga, Tharindu | | AUS | 0 |
31 | | Singh, Aandeep | | WA | 0 |