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Organizado Liga Santandereana de Ajedrez

IRT Selectivo Departamental Sub_14 SANTANDER

Last update 18.02.2024 19:20:46, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Gonzalez Bolivar, Juan Jose4491467COL1773
2Sanabria Calderon, Santiago144421281COL1491
3Silva Barajas, Jose Alejandro144424027COL1332
4Vargas Sanchez, Daniel Jose144421303COL1303
5Sequeda Hernandez, Daniel Arturo144400268COL1233
6Roa Beleno, Matias Fernando4483561COL1188
7Osorio Colmenares, Miguel Angel144412720SAN1532
8Madrigal Montagutt, Anthony Steve144430370SAN1500
9Linares Quintero, Nigel Alejandro144432801SAN1478
10Pimiento Martinez, Dylan StivenSAN0