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Lothian Allegro - Minor

Last update 14.01.2024 18:04:58, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1Palaniswamy, Drisith2410010SCO1138SM
2Brooks, David343405215SCO1093ER
3Dallas, Alastair P2413086SCO1071DF
4Watson, David2406080SCO1029CO
5Woollven, Peter2410680SCO990BX
6Sladek, JacobSCO978MU
7Truffelli, Michael2412691SCO901LV
8Madhu, ShriyaSCO858ER
9Oren-Woods, Rowan I2410907SCO821LZ
10Warcup, Ross2408597SCO647ST
11Wilson, Jennifer2406837SCO628ER
12Ganesh, Krishiv2413035SCO396PO
13Aravindan, AadhithyaSCO0ER
14Aravindan, HamshikaSCO0ER
15Burns, CiaranSCO0LK
16Daniels, MisuzuSCO0
17Gillatt, DanielSCO0CC
18Graham, Sasha2413647SCO0GS
19Huda, SamiulSCO0
20Khan, Altamash2414171SCO0LV
21Mckenzie, KyriakosSCO0ER
22Sathiyamoorthy, Magizhan2414120SCO0AB
23Trevisan, LeonardoSCO0
24Truffelli, Rocco2412934SCO0ER
25Veerman, RossSCO0MU
26Wigglesworth, DavidSCO0ER