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Lothian Allegro - Major

Last update 14.01.2024 17:49:51, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1Warcup, Richard2408589SCO1483ST
2Harkins, William2406438SCO1478BY
3Hand, Jamie2409186SCO1451EU
4Cullen, IanSCO1408GW
5Oren-Woods, Nir2410915SCO1347AB
6Hope, Iain D2405350SCO1324MU
7Callaghan, Adam A R2411490SCO1291FA
8Lindved, William L2413450SCO1273CS
9Karthick, Alagu Naachiappan2410990SCO1230PO
10Cassidy, Bernard2404664SCO1225HA
11New, DavidSCO1197PH
12Clark, Andrew2412373SCO1194PH
13Kitaev, Nicholas2411393SCO1158GR
14Mccusker, Kirsty2404397SCO1043HA
15Smith, Mark J2405113SCO995ED
16Mcaleer, Thomas126105322SCO0QP
17Werne, LarsSCO0