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Grand Prix 1 2024 Female

Last update 21.01.2024 00:49:17, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

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Starting rank list

1Callender, Jessica19700547GUY1325
2Joshi, Aditi Narayan19702647GUY1302
3Shariff, Sasha Christina19700687GUY1270
4Clement, Ciel Desiree19702124GUY1108
5Johnson, Nellisha19700750GUY1091
6Assing, Eunike Angelica19702949GUY0
7Clement, Kaija Cahya19702655GUY0
8Daniels, MadisonGUY0
9DeBrito-Silva, ChristineGUY0
10Rahim, Shazeeda19700652GUY0