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Top Scot Series Final - Open

Last update 13.01.2024 18:28:45, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank list

1Vadalia, Jainill2409399SCO1734PO
2Bhatia, Kanishka2410095SCO1716LZ
3Mitraka, Chrysa2409968SCO1519LZ
4Sharma, Devesh2410818SCO1471EA
5Semenov, Igor2411326SCO1468HA
6Al Dakl Alla, Humam2410150SCO1401LZ
7AFMMittal, Advik2410206SCO1400LZ
8Del Mar, Tristan I2410257SCO1381ER
9Rath, Srinivas2410028SCO1380CO
10Parasur, Raghuram2410460SCO1359EA
11Railwani, Tavish2410249SCO1353LZ
12Vishwanath, Aniruddha2411377SCO1233NJ
13Balaji, Lochan343411673SCO1098LZ
14Mallick, Sai2411768SCO1083SM
15Prakash, Sumanth2411555SCO1022LZ
16Yip, Atticus2413256SCO882AS