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Cuartos de Final Club La Proa / 2da Edición

Last update 21.01.2024 21:41:55, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank list

1Hipogrosso, Ruben3002683URU02117
2Osinaga, Eduardo3008649URU16571812
3Inthamoussu, Marcelo3019152URU15661771
4Carrio, Pablo3005569URU01651
5Clavijo, Damian3019292URU13461629
6Llabres, Miguel3003558URU15611597
7Sandez, Fabricio3018717URU15170
8Galli, Lisandro3012980URU12091411
9Muniz, Facundo3012352URU13111410
10Piriz, Facundo3019608URU13310
11Bertolotti, Juan Ignacio3015203URU12011293
12Llanes, Nicolas3014274URU12291252
13Cammarota, Andres3019276URU12140
14Villa, Ramiro3017605URU11790
15Zorrilla, Artigas3017621URU11250
16Bogao, Federico3009386URU00
17Di Siervi, Felipe3025624URU00
18Diaz, Santiago3026728URU00
19Fauci, Bruno3020223URU00
20Manzur, Guadalupe3026710URU00
21Stefano, Avril3019233URU00
22Zorrilla, Juan3019586URU00