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JUGEND OPEN Schnellschachturnier U18

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.01.2024 17:23:57, Creator/Last Upload: Grazyna Bakalarz

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1Lyon, Ruben389105000LUX1537U18
2Reding, Sevda4006151LUX1377wU18
3Fridhi, Karim4008154LUX1323U18
4De Sousa Martinho, Vasco4008243LUX1269U16
5Meyers, Lenny4008138LUX1262U18
6Schioeler Hansen, Alexander4008626LUX1266U18
7Warde-Jones, Ben4008669LUX1224U16
8Wolnascheck, NicolasLUX1200U16