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Elo < 2000, Elo >= 1700Individuelle Landesmeisterschaften 2024 Luxemburg - B Վերջին արդիացում13.04.2024 19:56:30, Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Wasserbillig
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | ԱԱՎ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Doison, Axel | 203505 | BEL | 1991 | 1991 | ECH |
2 | | Oberweis, Paul | 4000960 | LUX | 1982 | 1982 | ECH |
3 | | Mueller, Matthias | 4677340 | GER | 1965 | 1903 | PER |
4 | | Aguayo Tejada, Marco Antonio | 4008740 | LUX | 1894 | 1894 | LAT |
5 | | Kasselouris, Nikolaos | 4005791 | LUX | 1890 | 1890 | BON |
6 | | Putz, Philippe Marco | 16294190 | LUX | 1884 | 1819 | STR |
7 | | Haensel, Jean-Marie | 4001265 | LUX | 1882 | 1761 | SCH |
8 | | Ludewig, Robert | 4001001 | LUX | 1880 | 1812 | SCH |
9 | | Bohn, Sean | 4006445 | LUX | 1869 | 1740 | SCH |
10 | | Plard, Axel | 4007190 | LUX | 1864 | 1721 | DIF |
11 | | Hasani, Driton | 4003500 | LUX | 1861 | 1744 | BON |
12 | | Mertens, David | 4001427 | LUX | 1851 | 1730 | ERR |
13 | | Stoverinck, Tijn | 4000897 | LUX | 1847 | 1763 | NOR |
14 | | Zaccaria, Noa | 4006690 | LUX | 1830 | 1811 | ECH |
15 | | Benismail-Schneider, Elyas | 4007557 | LUX | 1829 | 1722 | SCH |
16 | | Anissimova, Mariya | 13729624 | GER | 1827 | 1727 | BER |
17 | | Schadeck, Alain | 4001389 | LUX | 1800 | 1800 | SCH |
18 | | Krier, Serge | 4003055 | LUX | 1796 | 1796 | JUN |
19 | | Kayser, Patrick | 4002911 | LUX | 1753 | 1753 | NOR |
20 | | Kries, Yvon | 4001958 | LUX | 1750 | 1750 | NOR |
21 | | Leszczowski, Artur | 41877497 | POL | 1715 | 1715 | NOR |