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Swieqi Classical Weekend - January 2024

Senast uppdaterad28.01.2024 17:03:18, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1CMPace, Colin5600189MLT2192
2Fong, Kenny3260097AUS1784
3CMThake, Conrad5602947MLT1759
4Gatt, Matthias5601452MLT1725
5WFMThornton, Filipina5600464MLT1671
6Demir, Utku Deniz6339840TUR1660
7Refalo, Ian5601118MLT1586
8Licari, Claude5601746MLT1510
9Oral, Kaan Emre6335420TUR1423
10Zangrilli, Leonardo5603080MLT1337
11Oehme, Raphaele1622617AUT1335
12Kosik, Vince783846HUN1265
13Gauci, Gabriel5604680MLT1246
14Thornton, Hayley5602637MLT1102
15Portelli, Martina5601851MLT1025
16Borg Mercieca, Elena5603870MLT0
17Mallia, Thomas5602629MLT0
18Padron Gonzalez, Alexander Ariel5605555MLT0