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Swieqi Classical Weekend - January 2024 Վերջին արդիացում28.01.2024 17:03:18, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | CM | Pace, Colin | 5600189 | MLT | 2192 |
2 | | Fong, Kenny | 3260097 | AUS | 1784 |
3 | CM | Thake, Conrad | 5602947 | MLT | 1759 |
4 | | Gatt, Matthias | 5601452 | MLT | 1725 |
5 | WFM | Thornton, Filipina | 5600464 | MLT | 1671 |
6 | | Demir, Utku Deniz | 6339840 | TUR | 1660 |
7 | | Refalo, Ian | 5601118 | MLT | 1586 |
8 | | Licari, Claude | 5601746 | MLT | 1510 |
9 | | Oral, Kaan Emre | 6335420 | TUR | 1423 |
10 | | Zangrilli, Leonardo | 5603080 | MLT | 1337 |
11 | | Oehme, Raphaele | 1622617 | AUT | 1335 |
12 | | Kosik, Vince | 783846 | HUN | 1265 |
13 | | Gauci, Gabriel | 5604680 | MLT | 1246 |
14 | | Thornton, Hayley | 5602637 | MLT | 1102 |
15 | | Portelli, Martina | 5601851 | MLT | 1025 |
16 | | Borg Mercieca, Elena | 5603870 | MLT | 0 |
17 | | Mallia, Thomas | 5602629 | MLT | 0 |
18 | | Padron Gonzalez, Alexander Ariel | 5605555 | MLT | 0 |