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2023 Blitz National Chess Campionship

Last update 05.01.2024 17:59:17, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National

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Starting rank list

1Thomas, Saah22600094LBR2033
2Harold, Evans22600744LBR1952
3FMBarcon, Harmon22600078LBR1946
4Joel, O. Ebiekuta22600671LBR1938
5Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo22600647LBR1932
6David, Leroy Debblay22600876LBR1921
7CMDaniel, Kolliemelen22600086LBR1914
8CMAnthony Waylea, Jr.22600302LBR1908
9Bobby, Ballah22600531LBR1880
10Jeachieh, Bennie Debblay22600507LBR1859
11CMAbraham, Kalokoh22600264LBR1821
12CMJohn, Jallah22600140LBR1820
13FMJacob, Jallah22600124LBR1815
14James, Tondo22600132LBR1810
15Ernest, E. Cooper22601236LBR1783
16Obediah, Saah22600914LBR1751
17Foday, W. Kondoh22600167LBR1724
18Prince, Jegbadai22600523LBR1634
19Yarkpah, Richmond22600418LBR1618
20Miller, Moore22600736LBR1609
21Georgina, Sackie22601708LBR1599
22Jamal, J. Ghoson22602259LBR1474
23Menyon, Alvin22601775LBR1437
24Okai, Beauforte22600434LBR1410
25Israel, Sambola22601511LBR1275