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National Junior Championships 2024 - Female

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony14.01.2024 18:04:58, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 8)

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1Ramnarine Singh, Aradhana7706006TTO1371
2Austin, Adrianna7712251TTO1251
3Singh, Kavira7705760TTO1206
4Laing, Raquel7707851TTO1193
5Dolly, Samantha7709986TTO1165
6Martin, Kayla7706650TTO1131
7Samuel Bisnath, Keira7706669TTO1065
8Mohan, Sofia7709196TTO1064
9Ali, Catherine7709552TTO0
10Austin, Alyssa7712278TTO0
11Austin, Annabelle7712260TTO0
12Joseph, Breanna7711620TTO0
13Khan, Elizabeth7710410TTO0
14Martin, Neyah7707991TTO0
15Mohammed, Shasmeen7707940TTO0