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ZSSM 2024 Kat B Վերջին արդիացում14.11.2024 17:09:31, Creator/Last Upload: mariobobbia
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
5 | | Brun, Franz | | SUI | 1686 |
1 | | Reichmuth, Dominik | | SUI | 1681 |
11 | | Hobi, Robert | | SUI | 1658 |
12 | | Liembd, Kurt | | SUI | 1653 |
4 | | Inderbitzin, Albert | | SUI | 1627 |
6 | | Grossen, Kurt | | SUI | 1585 |
10 | | Wespi, Josef | | SUI | 1495 |
3 | | Isch, Moritz | | SUI | 1484 |
9 | | Mazzoni, Renzo | | SUI | 1450 |
2 | | Corsi, Silvio | | SUI | 1381 |
8 | | Köpfli, Daniel | | SUI | 0 |
7 | | Winkler, Beni | | SUI | 0 |