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Վերջին արդիացում07.01.2024 03:31:50, Creator/Last Upload: Caissa Eventos

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Damous, Felipe Soares210480BRA2310
2Luz, Edmundo210076BRA2279
3Almeida, Fernando Medrado210951BRA2275
4Santos, Roberto Carlos210078BRA2236
5Lima, Gabriel Guara Leao211034BRA2103
6De Abreu, Vinicius Lindoso210306BRA2097
7Lima, Mateus Guara Leao211035BRA2019
8Setubal Neto, Roosevelt Alves601128BRA2016
9Saraiva, Marconi Azevedo210487BRA1981
10De Lima, Roberto Bruno Paixao210482BRA1956
11Netto, Edson Tabet Ahid210604BRA1945
12Carvalho, Joao Marcelo Carvalho210176BRA1943
13Sigarini, Renan Rodrigues603166BRA1943
14Almeida, Lyndon Johnnson Cavalcante210559BRA1935
15De Lima, Hudson Jose Lima210612BRA1915
16Haiashi, Henrique210841BRA1898
17Silva, Angel Juan Mendes211048BRA1884
18Da Silva Junior, Airton Oliveira211036BRA1881
19Rezende, José Vitor Bezerra604305BRA1878
20Lima, Samuel Guara Leao601117BRA1866
21Gainer, Catharina Braga Furtado601767BRA1859
22Fachini, Marcio600722BRA1833
23Pinheiro, Elthon Rubens Silva606829BRA1815
24Salgado, Bernardo Athayde605075BRA1813
25Jacoia, André Luiz607987BRA1800
26Meza Palma, Eduardo Antônio607990BRA1800
27Lindoso, Ilton Charles607991BRA1800
28Freire, Isaac607978BRA1800
29Do Rosario, João De Jesus Sousa600887BRA1800
30Saraiva, Joaquim Pimentel606134BRA1800
31Santos, Márcio De O607852BRA1800
32Carvalho, Renato607988BRA1800
33Lopes, Lavoisier Soares210310BRA1793