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2023 National Rapid Chess Championship

Seinast dagført30.12.2023 22:53:27, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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1White, Chris449270ENG1896
2Lynch, Kemp11101377BAR1877
3Parsons, Justin11101792BAR1764
4Edwards, Emar11103345BAR1650
5Wilson, Hannah11104600BAR1525
6Rochester, Ronaldo11103841BAR1476
7La Touche, Cyprian11104651BAR1414
8Reifer-Belle, Chanon11105186BAR1391
9Clarke, Noah11106654BAR1360
10Eversley, Kiarra11103426BAR1356
11Clarke, Loki11106646BAR1230
12Sinckler, Mileke11105950BAR1188
13King, Ernest11106050BAR1167
14Benjamin Layson, Jacob316104990FID1087
15Farley, Jeremiah11106972BAR1023
16Chase, Carlos11105763BAR0
17Sparman, Alfred11106042BAR0
18Springer, Lamar11105682BAR0
19Springer, Leshay11105690BAR0
20Wijnhof, StephanBAR0