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Simultânea GM Alexandr Fier - 14/03/2024 - Evento integrante da programação do XIII Memorial Bobby Fischer

Last update 18.01.2024 19:11:14, Creator/Last Upload: Testversion

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Starting rank

1GMFier, Alexandr52082107139BRA25452565
2NMUrquiza, Marcello De Albuquerque5421822739645BRA20502118
3Prado Oliveira, Fellipe269702114895BRA17721959
4Canonico, Rodrigo CMN5312322731644BRA17651939
5Torres, Wagner Da Silva9982136180BRA18191883
6Lavogadae, Daniel Pereira6929122799362BRA15991790
7Pereira, Francisco Neris3402222737090BRA14741788
8Lima, Rodrigo Cunha7814844738552BRA14431766
9Gomes, Genildo De Souza389882151049BRA15601731
10Paiva, Luis Flavio Medeiros370272140551BRA15461724
11De Albuquerque, Helio Sergio5656422746536BRA10631589
12de Oliveira Neto, Elias Luiz83726BRA00
13Quirino Neto, Manoel84696BRA00
14e Silva, Rodolfo Lucas Siqueira de Lima49905BRA00