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Championnat National Individuel Féminin 2023 du Togo

Վերջին արդիացում31.12.2023 09:50:34, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

Search for player Որոնում

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Oyenga, Justine Anassika21204420TOG1172
2Woegan, Adzo21205469TOG1050
3Adjessi, Afi Gracia21203970TOG0
4Adjetey, Christelle21204934TOG0
5Adjoh, Fanta Adjo21205000TOG0
6Botsoe, Precious Enam Eliana21204861TOG0
7Dagnon, Micheline21203989TOG0
8De Medeiros, Akossiwa Eyram Jacqueline21204950TOG0
9Dzoglo, Sename Ave Maria21201307TOG0
10Gove, Abra Mawuli Christine21205078TOG0
11Kponsou, Afiwa21204047TOG0
12Kudafa, Sandra21204055TOG0
13Kudafa, Sandrine21204063TOG0
14Pakpali, Magnim Celine Victoire21201617TOG0
15Woele, Victoire21205477TOG0