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Torneio Amistoso de Natal CXSSP

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.12.2023 22:01:34, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Oliveira

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1Batista, Gerson Peres2102706BRA2123
2Rosa, Danilo Epitacio Neves2105721BRA1990
3Leao, Thales Braghini2101955BRA1914
4Dos Santos, Dwlyan Silva2198355BRA1904
5Ferreira, Rafael Peres22711325BRA1608
6Brito, Gabriel DiasBRA0
7da Silva, Ronaldo BritoBRA0
8De Miranda, Rafael H. Godinho22708189BRA0
9de Souza, Matheus CarvalhoBRA0
10Issigira, Lucas Samuel Rocha22711333BRA0
11Mello, Davi Mendes22751920BRA0
12Queiroz, Ivan LucasBRA0
13De Oliveira, Tobias Luiz Carvalho22764429BRA1140
14Oliveira, Olavo Tadeu Carvalho22720286BRA1158