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Social Ràpides Nadal Վերջին արդիացում22.12.2023 21:32:50, Creator/Last Upload: Federació d’Escacs Valls d’Andorra
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | GM | De La Riva Aguado, Oscar | 6900224 | AND | 2423 |
2 | | Gonzalez Garcia, Marc | 2222744 | ESP | 2125 |
3 | | Mateu Guiu, Esteve | 22270728 | AND | 2098 |
4 | CM | Luke Brezmes, Cristofer | 2274477 | AND | 2067 |
5 | CM | Ribera Veganzones, Serni | 6900860 | AND | 2047 |
6 | | Sinfreu Sobre, David | 6901476 | AND | 1710 |
7 | | Alcon Llosada, Alex | 6900780 | AND | 1657 |
8 | | Barragan Sevilla, Manel | 6901328 | AND | 1648 |
9 | | Moscoso Rodriguez, Joan | 6900100 | AND | 1563 |
10 | | Rivero Rechi, Pol | 6901590 | AND | 1392 |
11 | | Petzka, Leonie Sharon | 6901638 | AND | 1342 |
12 | | Montoliu Montes, Joaquim | 6900097 | AND | 1302 |
13 | | Ercoli, Andria | 45166412 | AND | 1262 |
14 | | Navarro Mignorance, Ernest | 6900607 | AND | 1249 |
15 | | Reyes Sirkia, Gael | 6901573 | AND | 1242 |