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"KHELO DHARMANAGAR 2023" Nursery To Class VIII Girls Chess Tournament

اخر تحديث09.01.2024 17:04:50, منشئ/آخر رفع: Anupambhattacharjee

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبتقييم دولينادي/مدينة
1Adyatreyee Datta0G V School
2Ananya Nath0Padmapur HS
3Ankita Nath0DMR Girls HS
4Anukriti Debnath0SVMS
5Anushka Nath0N Para HS School
6Asmita Nath0G P School
7Barnita Kar0N P School
8Sayantika Malakar0G V School
9Sritoma Chakraborty0DMR Girls HS
10Suhasti Sinha0N P School