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"KHELO DHARMANAGAR 2023" Nursery To Class VIII Boys School Chess Tournament

Last update 13.01.2024 18:26:17, Creator/Last Upload: Anupambhattacharjee

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Starting rank list

1Abhinaba Paul0N P School
2Amit Nath0G V School
3Anupam Nath881276050BBI
4Arush Sarma0SBMS
5Bihan Das0G P School
6Biswajit Dey0BBI
7Debraj Roy0N Para HS School
8Deepraj Deb0A. Academy
9Manavik Sethi0N Para HS School
10Manojit Roy0BBI
11Parthib Debnath0N Para HS School
12Pratyush Malakar0N Para HS School
13Pritam Debnath0N Para HS School
14Rajdeep Ghosh0N Para HS School
15Sandip Sharma0Padmapur HS
16Shaunak Nath0G V School
17Snehashish Nath0N Para HS School
18Soham Nath0A. Academy
19Soumyabrata Sen0G V School
20Subhajyoti Nath0N Para HS School
21Subhankar Das0G P School
22Tapojyoti Acharjee0A. Academy