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Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2012

Last update 09.12.2012 20:57:33, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1GMFier AlexandrBRA2567
2GMMekhitarian Krikor SevagBRA2531
3IMSantiago Yago De MouraBRA2378
4IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C.BRA2371
5IMTsuboi Edson KenjiBRA2305
6Supi Luis PauloBRA2299
7De Oliveira Adriano FernandesBRA2283
8CMProudian ArmenBRA2270
9FMSega Carlos AlbertoBRA2252
10Rodrigues Tiago PereiraBRA2149
11Utiyama Marcel Heimar RibeiroBRA2145
12Nery Junior Jose AntonioBRA2118
13Barbosa FernandoBRA2090
14CMCarneiro Vitor Roberto CastroBRA2084
15Sztokbant Bernardo VainzoffBRA2070
16Deus Filho Joaquim DeBRA2053
17Abdalla Jose Lucas AurelliBRA2049
18Lopes Junior Roberto JulianoBRA2008
19Vizzotto BernardoBRA1981
20Parras Lucas CesarBRA1962
21Takeda Lucas KojiBRA1962
22Goncalves Leonardo Yamamoto PBRA1961
23Aoyama EdmundoBRA1943
24Ribeiro AllyssonBRA1920
25Pinto Rendrex LopesBRA1911
26Hengles Roberto CarlosBRA1898
27Herbst Neto EugenioBRA1882
28De Carvalho Igor LorenzonBRA1874
29Oliveira Tiago LopesBRA1860
30Calixto Roberto CarlosBRA1855
31Utiyama Douglas Patrick RibeiBRA1846
32Da Silva Wagner JoseBRA1842
33Lisboa Torres EduardoBRA1826
34Cadilhac Igor Tokuichi KikuchBRA1817
35Squincalha Pedro GuilhermeBRA1785
36Cardozo Matheus SantosBRA1769
37Pastana Rafael PedroniBRA1745
38Braga Marcelo MelemBRA1721
39Lorenzon De Carvalho Tales P.BRA1628
40Marino Felipe GabrielBRA1615
41Moura De Lima Wilian Rither DBRA1822
42Rosa Luciano AlvaroBRA1807
43Spilleir Davi De PinhoBRA1766
44Villafuerte Antonio Gabriel P.BRA1750
45Andrade Thiago OliveiraBRA1740