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Curacao National Blitz Championship 2023

Posledná aktualizácia 21.12.2023 13:43:22, Creator/Last Upload: Denzil Philips

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Štartová listina

1FMBemmelen Van, Ursus7501013AHO2142
2FMBlijstra, Willem1018000AHO2067
3CMSiban, Michael8200076SUR2032
4FMMensing, Fabio7500149AHO2000
5FMCapella, Rurik7501005AHO1967
6Van Opstal, Rurik7502621AHO1900
7Diaz De Pool, Julian7502656AHO1850
8Roose, Alex7500246AHO1817
9Van Delden, Johan7502206AHO1790
10Albregtse, Tjerk1061143AHO1674
11Capella, Gregory7500211AHO1666
12Karijopawiro, Raoel7502150AHO1528
13Jansen, Romer7502559AHO1497
14AFMBedi, Vaibhav7501900AHO1467
15Ayubi, Amir7502478AHO0
16Cao, Jia Lin7502702AHO0
17De Windt, FranciscoAHO0
18Everts, Roy-Anthony7502397AHO0
19Litjes, NikaAHO0
20Litjes, NoaAHO0
21Ludhani, Hoshang7501919AHO0
22Mirchandani, BavinAHO0
23Peters, Elroy7502435AHO0
24Sambo, Marvin7502389AHO0
25Sambo, Viliomar7502443AHO0
26Wu, Jie-Peng7502486AHO0