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Coupe de Noël 2023 Première Edition, U12

Last update 23.12.2023 15:59:39, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Ahialey, Chris21205310TOG0
2Ahialey, christianeTOG0
3Bledje, Jean ChritTOG0
4Botsoe, Praise Holadem Ketsia21204870TOG0
5Botsoe, Precious Enam Eliana21204861TOG0
6Bouvarel, Noan21205337TOG0
7Brutus, GabrielTOG0
8Chen, Han WenTOG0
9Goyheneche, EthanTOG0
10Gove, LéaTOG0
11Katagna, SarahTOG0
12Kombate, LiangTOG0
13Kossigan, EstherTOG0
14Prunaret, Joshua Kyosuke21205388TOG0
15Rithika, Pechi MuthuTOG0
16Thakkar, SuhaniTOG0
17Toure, JosueTOG0
18Wilson-Bahun, EthaneTOG0
19Wlson-Bahun, NoahTOG0
20Mitope, EthanTOG0
21Amouzou, ErelTOG0
22Atsu, SamuelTOG0
23Awator, LilafaTOG0