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Juvenil Nadal CEA 2023

Senast uppdaterad19.12.2023 19:37:42, Creator/Last Upload: Federació d’Escacs Valls d’Andorra

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1Rivero Rechi, Pol6901590AND1392
2Ercoli, Andria45166412AND1262
3Reyes Sirkia, Gael6901573AND1242
4De La Riva Real, Jana6901131AND1156
5Bellera, BielAND0
6Estrada, BielAND0
7Gil, NilAND0
8Medrano, NicoAND0
9Morales, AronAND0
10Prieto Rispolis, Iker6901484AND0
11Puntas, RocAND0
12Raminez, BielAND0
13Raymond, YwennAND0
14Samarra, TonAND0
15Toker, IdanAND0
16Toker, YanivAND0