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1000GM 2024 NY Winter GM B

Last update 16.01.2024 02:23:03, Creator/Last Upload: gkeener

Starting rank list of players

3GMChatterjee, KoustavIND263625462636
1GMParagua, MarkPHI253724482537
9GMNagy, GaborHUN252024502520
2FMLee, AliceUSA244823792448
4FMNakada, AkiraUSA244423742444
6FMLuo, TerryUSA242223422422
7IMLevine, JosephUSA241623762416
5IMGriffith, KyronUSA240923672409
10FMAdewumi, TanitaluwaUSA239122802391
8FMGraif, WilliamCAN236923022369