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Blitz Kampioenschappen 2023 - Novice

Last update 18.12.2023 00:45:40, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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Starting rank list

1Bangoer, ShayanSUR0
2Bindesar, AnayaSUR0
3Bridjlal, AyushSUR0
4Dipotiko, LejaySUR0
5Fong, RamiroSUR0
6Girdhari, SohailSUR0
7Goedar, CandySUR0
8Jainath, ShivamSUR0
9Jainath, ShiveshSUR0
10Kalpoe, DiyaSUR0
11Lee, AdrianSUR0
12Li, BrendanSUR0
13Paltie, VineshSUR0
14Paltie, VishanSUR0
15Pansa, RomelviejaSUR0
16Parbal, RishaanSUR0
17Pawirodikromo, DaenerysSUR0
18Poetoe, AdityaSUR0
19Poetoe, AvantikaSUR0
20Radja, NandiniSUR0
21Radja, NikhilSUR0
22Ramdin, VanshikaSUR0
23Ramdjan, ZamierSUR0
24Ramdutt, TahjSUR0
25Ramesar, HavishaSUR0
26Sewnarain, IshaanSUR0
27Slamat, IanSUR0
28Soekhlal, ShivamSUR0
29Soeltan, ZaviyarSUR0
30Tapsi, ShiwikaSUR0
31Tawiredjo, RyhanSUR0
32Tjon Hing, NathanSUR0
33Wijngaarde, RhysSUR0
34Wu, EsmaySUR0
35Wu, SelenaSUR0