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FEMS Chess Club

Christmas Blitz Annual Tournament


F.E.M. S.. - - It's Christmas

Darrera actualització17.12.2023 03:05:10, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Association

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Rànquing inicial

1Drayton, DoffTTO0
2Maharaj, EjazTTO0
3Vieira, ChadTTO0
4Vieira, TzionTTO0
5Bassant, ZacTTO0
6Austin, AnnabelleTTO0
7Austin, AngrloTTO0
8Austin, AlyssaTTO0
9Maharaj, KyleTTO0
10Maharaj, KevinTTO0
11Scoon, KalelTTO0
12Gabrial, RamdialTTO0
13Munroe-Brown, BradTTO0
14Haynes, TrevorTTO0
15Austin, MarlonTTO0
16Bowles, AndrewTTO0