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Bridgend Blitz 2023 Վերջին արդիացում20.12.2023 19:26:53, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | FM | Toczek, Grzegorz | 1106457 | WLS | 2107 |
2 | | Cleveland, Richard | 1800752 | WLS | 2013 |
3 | | Binks, Michael | 1800957 | WLS | 1978 |
4 | | Fathallah, Joe | 1801899 | WLS | 1904 |
5 | | Jukes, Sam | 1803182 | WLS | 1795 |
6 | | Korovski, Georgi | 1805983 | WLS | 1758 |
7 | | Liesniak, Nikita | 1806610 | WLS | 1634 |
8 | | Enoch, Kristian | 1806246 | WLS | 1547 |
9 | | Zhuravlev, Andrei | 1806548 | WLS | 1547 |
10 | | Sharhorodsky, Yaroslav | 34163913 | WLS | 1531 |
11 | | Enoch, Stuart | 1806238 | WLS | 1529 |
12 | | Peters, Chris | 1806084 | WLS | 1448 |
13 | | Stancu, Cosmin | | WLS | 1400 |
14 | | Frame, Rob | 1804847 | WLS | 1325 |
15 | | Whitchurch, Tim | | WLS | 1317 |
16 | | Zheng, Lucas | 1806327 | WLS | 1252 |
17 | | Anandkumar, Govind | 1805690 | WLS | 1236 |
18 | | Jones, David | | WLS | 1200 |
19 | | Foulkes, Morgan | 1806645 | WLS | 1196 |
20 | | Richards, Gareth | 1807374 | WLS | 1186 |
21 | | Murthy, Arush | 1806513 | WLS | 1184 |
22 | | Sarwar, Adam | 1806890 | WLS | 1153 |
23 | | Ferguson, Cameron | 1807960 | WLS | 1110 |
24 | | Williams, James L | 1806661 | WLS | 1105 |
25 | | Bain, Oliver | | WLS | 1000 |
26 | | Bryant, Tomos | | WLS | 1000 |
27 | | Day, Sean | | WLS | 1000 |
28 | | Gardner, Richard | | WLS | 1000 |
29 | | Limeslade, Jacob | | WLS | 1000 |
30 | | Martinson, Callum | | WLS | 1000 |
31 | | Morris, Adam | | WLS | 1000 |
32 | | Teisar, Vince | 1806688 | WLS | 1000 |
33 | | Graczyk, Piotr | 1805410 | WLS | 1471 |
34 | | Lloyd, Angus | | WLS | 1000 |
35 | | O'Toole, Micah | | WLS | 1000 |