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Determinera la Championne de Côte d'Ivoire

Championnat National Individuel Feminin 2023

Senast uppdaterad17.12.2023 12:15:31, Creator/Last Upload: Mario Kpan

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1WCMYavo Tchetche, Marie20800266CIV1404
2Doue, Guinahi Aurore Divine20803818CIV1299
3Kouassi, Edichy Berenice20803400CIV1184
4Gba, Zotta Marcelle Aurore Regine20804237CIV1027
5Camara, Ruth Liliane20803982CIV0
6Don, Hope Meira Abrima20805403CIV0
7Doue, Melaine20801378CIV0