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Festival Nacional Escolar 2023 Ajedrez Blitz Sub-15 Femenino

Last update 19.12.2023 20:20:59, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Diaz Gonzalez, Ana Sofia4492927COL1645wU15Sub-15
2Quevedo Bonilla, Paula Thaliana4492498COL1473wU15Formando Talentos
3Restrepo Cifuentes, Luciana4495292COL1390wU15Sub-15
4Rendon Martinez, Isabela4469097COL1383wU15Ricaly
5Garay Tocora, Juliana4474317COL1362wU15Sub-15
6De Leon Villarreal, Gabriela4469682COL1328wU15Sub-15
7Gomez Araque, Laura Sofia4463480COL1306wU15Chessfy
8Vergara Canchila, Dariana144404247COL1254wU15
9Pirachican Gonzalez, Sara4473493COL1244wU15Virtual Chess
10Bertel Perez, Natalia4480732COL1239wU15Sub-15
11Acevedo Ramirez, Lizeth Dahiana144424205COL0wU15Sub-15
12Arroyave Arboleda, Shantal144430973COL0wU15Sub-15
13Cifuentes Cortes, Eliana Sofia144428235COL0wU15Sub-15
14Cortes Diaz, Melyssa Alejandra4482069COL0wU15Virtual Chess Chia
15Gomez Sinesterra, Gabriela144430981COL0wU15San Chess Ajedez Club
16Gomez Solorzano, Marianne144419015COL0wU15Sub-15
17Ortíz Gutierrez, Emily Dayana144430990COL0wU15Ef-Laq -Imdera