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December 16 Blitz

Seinast dagført19.12.2023 05:54:34, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

Search for player Leita


1Buccat, Benchly30909341USA17421742
2Santos, Almer31000398GUM15671567
3WCMOllet, Myra31000517GUM15271527
4Szekely, Zoltan31000428GUM14651465
5Espinoza, Mario31000681GUM13051305
6Tiurin, Yaroslav31001769GUM11621162
7Padrique, Sarah Jennica31003907GUM11121112
8Grossley, Gabriel31003265GUM11111111
9Balbin, Nicolette31003559GUM00
10Lopatyuk, Leo31003753GUM00
11Mackey, Ryan31004261GUM00