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2023 Vodafone Fiji National Chess Championship

Senast uppdaterad20.12.2023 20:25:18, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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1CMKumar, Manoj11400064FIJ1920
2CMSikivou, Taione11400153FIJ1837
3Prasad, Rudr11401095FIJ1574
4CMTerubea, Ronald11400331FIJ1737
5CMArvind, Goru11400188FIJ1654
6Prakash, Prashil11400692FIJ1546
7Adricula Jr, Ramon A11400323FIJ1525
8Maharaj, Yash Krishen11402504FIJ1505
9Ong, Calvin11401370FIJ1413
10Amarasinghe, Sandeu11403632FIJ0
11Bandara, RivinuFIJ0
12Chandra, Kartik11403659FIJ0
13Corpuz, Paul Anthony11402245FIJ0
14Corpuz, Ricardo Gregorio Iii11402229FIJ0
15Corpuz, Ricardo Luis Iv11402237FIJ0
16Ecube, Donald11404230FIJ0
17Gogoi, Arohan Hazarika11402377FIJ0
18Herath, Abhiru11403284FIJ0
19Herath, Kinura11402156FIJ0
20Lal, Arnav11402164FIJ0
21Lee, Joseph11404124FIJ0
22Mohan, Parvish11403691FIJ0
23Naidu, Suyash DFIJ0
24Prasad, Yash Yuvaan11402148FIJ0
25Rameka, Tomasi11401834FIJ0
26Sahayam, JoshuaFIJ0
27Senikuba, Ilaisa11403837FIJ0
28Singh, Ashwin11402180FIJ0
29Singh, GurveerFIJ0
30Singh, Praveer11403586FIJ0
31Somumu, JovilisiFIJ0
32Thaman, NidhishFIJ0
33Vaurasi, Lionel11403365FIJ0
34Weerasekara, Rajatha11404221FIJ0
35Yajas, Sharma33484147IND0