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December 16 Rapid Վերջին արդիացում19.12.2023 05:54:08, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | RtgI |
1 | CM | Mafnas, Peter | 31000509 | GUM | 1839 | 1839 |
2 | | Lujan, Steven Tererence | 31001890 | GUM | 1776 | 1776 |
3 | | Garrison, Kyle | 31001319 | GUM | 1722 | 1722 |
4 | | Justo, James Marcus | 31002544 | GUM | 1718 | 1718 |
5 | | Szekely, Zoltan | 31000428 | GUM | 1595 | 1595 |
6 | | Gunn, William | 31001530 | GUM | 1558 | 1558 |
7 | WCM | Ollet, Myra | 31000517 | GUM | 1537 | 1537 |
8 | | Buccat, Benchly Cabanyan | 30909341 | USA | 1531 | 1531 |
9 | | Calma, Austin | 31004270 | GUM | 1461 | 1461 |
10 | | Wy, Rod Vincent | 31004210 | GUM | 1409 | 1409 |
11 | | Espinoza, Mario | 31000681 | GUM | 1408 | 1408 |
12 | | Ramas, Carmina Jasmine | 31001548 | GUM | 1399 | 1399 |
13 | | Javelosa, Jayce Caleb | 31002897 | GUM | 1387 | 1387 |
14 | | Mackey, Ryan | 31004261 | GUM | 1333 | 1333 |
15 | | Tiurin, Yaroslav | 31001769 | GUM | 1281 | 1281 |
16 | | Justo, Alexis Rian | 31002951 | GUM | 1251 | 1251 |
17 | | Javelosa, James Cyril | 31003362 | GUM | 1223 | 1223 |
18 | | Grossley, Gabriel | 31003265 | GUM | 1217 | 1217 |
19 | | Aribal, Jaydyn | 31004342 | GUM | 0 | 0 |
20 | | Balbin, Nicolette | 31003559 | GUM | 0 | 0 |
21 | | Casas, Caleb | 31003699 | GUM | 0 | 0 |
22 | | Lopatyuk, Leo | 31003753 | GUM | 0 | 0 |
23 | | Wang, Travis | 31003672 | GUM | 0 | 0 |
24 | | Wang, Tyler | 31002749 | GUM | 1067 | 1067 |
25 | | Aguon, Calvin | 31004350 | GUM | 0 | 0 |
26 | | Padrique, Sarah Jennica | 31003907 | GUM | 0 | 0 |