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Rapid Kampioenschappen 2023 - Challenger

اخر تحديث17.12.2023 04:25:07, منشئ/آخر رفع: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Ramesar, DewinderSUR1232
2Nasibdar, JavierSUR1185
3Amritpersad, AryanSUR0
4Austin, SteveSUR0
5Boedhoe, AdarshSUR0
6Boedhoe, RineshSUR0
7Boerleider, GiorginhoSUR0
8Chan, MaximusSUR0
9Chotkan, ArnavSUR0
10Clarke, ThelyaSUR0
11del Castilho, NathanSUR0
12Djojopawiro, NathanSUR0
13Dwarka, ShivamSUR0
14Elliot, KeenanSUR0
15Emanuels, Hanna-ChristaSUR0
16Emanuels, JustinSUR0
17Fung, Thie-yenSUR0
18Fung, Xue-wenSUR0
19Gajadien, VashistSUR0
20Gezius, IsaiSUR0
21Idoe, FarahSUR0
22Jarbandhan, RanjivSUR0
23Jhingoerie, NikhilSUR0
24Jong A Lock, LucasSUR0
25Kalloe, ShakielSUR0
26Kalloe, VidhurSUR0
27Lee, AydenSUR0
28Marsio, JairSUR0
29Parshadi, YahsilaSUR0
30Pernosoekotjo, CefarSUR0
31Radja, ArjanSUR0
32Ramesar, RavishSUR0
33Ramsaran, VeerSUR0
34Setroredjo, ShaeSUR0
35Soetowidjojo, KevinSUR0
36Soewa, YithzakSUR0
37Tjin Kon Kiem, EthanSUR0
38Tjong Tjin Joe, MayleeSUR0
39Wu, EliseSUR0
40Wu, TerrenceSUR0