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4th Blitz Chess Tournament Capital Bank

Last update 15.12.2023 17:04:04, Creator/Last Upload: Royal Jordanian Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1AbdAlrazeq, TareqJOR0
2Abu Alrub, SirinJOR0
3Aljilani, MohamedJOR0
4Alkhairi, AhmadJOR0
5Alkhalaileh, YousefJOR0
6Almajali, AmjadJOR0
7Alryalat, MoatasemJOR0
8Alryalat, MhmoudJOR0
9Asasleh, RaedJOR0
10Ganem, RamiJOR0
11Mtawea, MahmoudJOR0
12Salah, AymanJOR0
13Shobash, TwfiqJOR0
14Srour, MariJOR0