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Frederick Cameron Open 2023 - U1600 Section

Last update 20.12.2023 13:06:41, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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Starting rank

1ACMDavis, Christopher7402848JAM1341Adult
2Shergil, Ronak7405014JAM1289Campion College
3Mcdonald, Trinity-St.John7403674JAM1253St. Catherine High School
4Baker, Michael7408528JAM1252St. Jago High School B
5Gayle, Kaia7405448JAM1206St. Andrew High School For Gir
6Mullings, Dominic7405200JAM1199St.Catherine High School
7Bartlett, Khaleel7405693JAM1142Campion College
8Foreshaw, Jayden7408560JAM1137St. Jago High School
9Gayle, Kaity7405081JAM1135St. Andrew High School For Gir
10Okpiavbe, Victor7406541JAM1124Campion College
11Shakes, Daniel7404395JAM1094Kingston College
12Murphy, Glory7407599JAM1029Home Schooled
13Brooks, DominicJAM0Jamaica College
14Gordon, Nkosi7408943JAM0Campion College
15Hyman, StephenJAM0
16Jackson, Leshawn7406819JAM0St. Catherine High School
17Kerr, AntonioJAM0Ardenne High School
18Thomas, AteebaJAM0
19Yankana, Danielle7406690JAM0Campion College